Fire Ant Control Service in Flower Mound, Lewisville & Frisco, TX | Lawn & Landcare

Fire Ant Control Service in Flower Mound, Lewisville, Frisco, McKinney, Plano, TX & Nearby Texas Areas

Get a Quote Call (214) 293-3793

Fire Ant Control Service in Flower Mound, TX & Surrounding Areas Like Lewisville & Frisco

Our fire ant control treatment provides protection that lasts for a year.

Fire ants are not only a nuisance but also pose a significant threat to your safety and comfort. Fortunately, our fire ant control service is designed to keep fire ants from taking over your turf. This service involves a one-time treatment that lasts an entire year, providing long-term protection against fire ants. We use bait applications to target active mounds, ensuring that the ants are effectively eradicated. Fire ants are tough to control, and if you continue to have issues after our treatment, we'll promptly return to lay out more bait.

We offer our fire ant control service to residential property owners in Flower Mound, Lewisville, Frisco, TX, and other nearby areas. Give us a call at (214) 293-3793 to schedule our fire ant control service today and take your lawn back from fire ants!

Effectively Control Fire Ants With a One-Time Treatment

At Lawn & Landcare, we are committed to providing effective and long-lasting fire ant control solutions. That's why we offer a one-time treatment that lasts for an entire year. When you schedule our fire ant control service, we will come out to your property and apply our treatment to your entire lawn. This treatment will work to eliminate any existing fire ants and will continue to provide protection against future infestations for twelve months. By scheduling this service, you can rest easy knowing that you won't have to deal with these pests for the rest of the year!

Our team has been helping property owners keep their lawns free of fire ants since 2002!

Our team targets active fire ant mounds using top-quality baits!

Fire ant mound on a lawn in Flower Mound, TX.

When it comes to fire ant control, it's important to target the source of the problem. That's why, in addition to applying a blanket treatment to your entire lawn, we also apply bait directly to any active fire ant mounds on your property. This bait will work to eliminate the entire colony, providing comprehensive fire ant control on your property.

If Fire Ants Reappear After Our Initial Treatment, We'll Come Back Out to Reapply Bait

Our professionals take pride in the quality of our work and strive to provide exceptional service to our clients. The treatments we use to control the fire ant population on your property are highly effective, but these tiny critters can be difficult to control. If you continue to experience issues with fire ants after our initial treatment, we will return to your property to reapply bait at no additional charge. This ensures that you receive the comprehensive fire ant control you deserve.

Give us a call today to schedule our fire ant control service!

Don't let fire ants take over your property. Instead, schedule our fire ant control service, and let us take care of them for you! At Lawn & Landcare, we offer a fire ant control service that will provide your property with consistent protection for an entire year. Our professionals have been providing top-quality services for 23 years, delivering top-tier results that meet our clients' needs. If you need to make fire ants a non-issue on your property, look no further than our expert service. We offer our fire ant control service to homeowners in Flower Mound, Lewisville, Frisco, TX, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (214) 293-3793 to schedule our fire ant control service today!

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